"If at first you don’t succeed try, try and try again."

I'm so excited to actually have a somewhat normal week ahead of us! My husband's restaurant opens this week, I start my new job tomorrow, and BLOGHER FOOD is Friday and Saturday!!!!WOOHOOO!!!!! 


Monday--  Pulled Pork and Cole Slaw

Tuesday-- Taco Casserole

Wednesday-- Spaghetti with Roasted Zucchini (recipe from June 2011 Woman's Day magazine)

Thursday-- Pre-BlogHer Dinner with friends at Wisteria

Friday and Saturday-- BlogHer Food!!!!!

Sunday-- I want to surprise the husband and leave Atlanta a little early and go to Brunch at his new restaurant-- I hope it works out so I can otherwise I want to eat at The Flying Biscuit for Breakfast!!

About this site

The DIY movement is a re-introduction (often to urban and suburban dwellers) of the old pattern of personal involvement and use of skills in upkeep of a house or apartment, making clothes; maintenance of cars, computers, websites; or any material aspect of living.

DIY amongst the fashion community has become very popular. With the use of social media such as YouTube, a great number of people watch videos on a daily basis. YouTube has an array of DIY fashion videos from distressing jeans, bleaching jeans, redesigning an old shirt, and studding denim, just to name a few. This new trend is increasingly becoming more and more popular. There over 1,000 videos that individuals have posted demonstrating how to do those things. There are also other DIY videos that individuals could look up such as DIY jewelry, DIY room decor, and DIY hairstyles.